
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tally.epr 9.0 Install Tutorial in Bangla

Hi! View.
Today I show I new post & Tutorial of  Tally.
 Some People Tall me Sometime How can they install Tally Their PC?  Please Show My Video Tutorial & Try it. Tally Is a Basic Accounting Program. It was invented by Varot for Her Father Company in 1987. But Next year 1988 Tally was a Company of Them and it call Tally solution PVT LTD.

We provide you a bangla Tutorial.
Flow our video.

Tally.Epr 9.0 Install system Video Tutorial
See under:

Posted By Sunny

Saturday, December 14, 2013

English Grammar For All label Part-1

 Written By Md. Maidul Islam  Sunny

 English Grammar for All Class In Bangle

 Chapter-1                                                                                                                     Lesson:- 1

Language: মানুষ মনের ভাব প্রকাশ করার জন্য বাকযন্ত্রের সাহায্যে যে সব অর্থবোধক ধ্বনি বা ধ্বনি সমষ্টি উচ্চারণ করে থাকে, তাকে ভাষা বা Language বলে।

অন্য ভাবে বলা যায়, একজন মানুষ আরেক জন মানুষের সাথে ভাবের আদান-প্রদান এর জন্য যে সব বাকযন্ত্রের সাহায্যে অঙ্গবঙ্গি করে তাকেও ভাষা বলে।
যেমন:- বাংলা ভাষা, ইংরেজী ভাষা ইত্যাদি।

Grammar: যে পুস্তক বা বিদ্যা বা বই পড়লে ভাষা শুদ্ধরূপে লেখতে, পড়তে, বলতে পারা যায় এবং সেই ভাষার অন্তর্গত নিয়মনীতি সম্পর্কে জানা যায়, তাকে ব্যাকরণ বা Grammar বলে।
যেমন:- English Grammar, Bangle Grammar etc.

English Grammar: যে পুস্তক বা বিদ্যা বা বই পড়লে ইংরেজী ভাষা শুদ্ধরূপে লেখতে, পড়তে, বলতে পারা যায় এবং ইংরেজী ভাষার অন্তর্গত নিয়মনীতি সম্পর্কে জানা যায়, তাকে ব্যাকরণ বা English Grammar বলে।

English Grammar দুই প্রকার।
যথা:- 1) Theoretical or Traditional Grammar.
            2) Applied Grammar.

Theoretical or Traditional Grammar: যে গ্রামারটি ইংরেজী ভাষাভাষীদের জন্য রচনা করা হয় অর্থাত যাদের মাতৃভাষা ইংরেজী তাদের জন্য এটি রচনা করা হয়। এই গ্রামারে ইংরেজী সাহিত্যের সম্পর্কে আলোচনা করা হয় তাকে Theoretical Grammar বলে।

Applied Grammar: যে গ্রামারে ইংরেজী ভাষার শুদ্ধ রূপ ব্যবহারের জন্য বিশোদ ভাবে আলোচনা করা হয়, তাকে Applied Grammar বলে।

Applied Grammar কে পাঁচ ভাগে ভাগ করা হয়।

1)      Orthography (বর্ণ প্রকরণ)
2)  Etymology  (শব্দ বা পদ প্রকরণ)
3)  syntax    ( বাক্য প্রকরণ)
4)  Punctuation (বিরামচিহ্ন)
5)  Prosody  (ছন্দ বা অলঙ্কার)
Orthography:- ইংরেজী গ্রামারের যে অংশে বর্ণ সম্র্পকে আলোচনা করা হয়, তাকে Orthography বলে।
Etymology:- ইংরেজী গ্রামারের যে অংশে শব্দ বা পদের ব্যবহার সম্র্পকে আলোচনা করা হয়, তাকে Etymology বলে।

Syntax:- ইংরেজী গ্রামারের যে অংশে বাক্য ও বাক্যে ব্যবহার সম্র্পকে আলোচনা করা হয়, তাকে Syntax বলে।

Punctuation:- ইংরেজী গ্রামারের যে যতি বা বিরাম চিহ্ন সম্র্পকে আলোচনা করা হয়, তাকে Punctuation বলে।
Prosody:- ইংরেজী গ্রামারের যে অংশে ছন্দ অলংকার সম্র্পকে আলোচনা করা হয়, তাকে Prosody বলে। 

                       To Be Continue .................

Post By Maidul Islam Sunny

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


This is a new program of us. It is a Bio-data Program. Anybody can be made a bio-data by using this program, his or her. Recently we invent it two language, one is English & other is Bangle.

 Next time we add it multiple language system. Then you able to create many bio-data by it.

This software is now trial version. if you want to it original full software, please buy it.

This software Download Link:

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Text To Speech

This is a freeware software. Anybody can easily use it for text to speech or voice. It is a open source code program. If you want to use this software, Please copy and write text in English & click speck button and lesson your word and language.

This software Download link:

Happy use


Monday, December 2, 2013

English To Bangle Dictionary

 Hi! Dear Computer world User,
This is new Dictionary Software of Computer world of windows platform. It has many more useful words. You can use it easily. It visual & friendly usage. Anywhere, anytime you use it for searching words, what word is manning you need in English to Bangle. This Sunny English to Bangle Dictionary is freeware. Anybody can be used it for growing his or her English to Bangle manning vocabulary.
Our goal is to the joy of increasing knowledge. But, We tell you that this Dictionary is not fulfill.  Because we test it. It has some lack, such as no abbreviation, no picture, no sound of pronunciation,no Example of sentence, no  moral Discussion etc. But we speck, next time we content all of this in this Dictionary. When it can be changed your mind, we trust. If you have any information or comment
for changed this dictionary, Please mail us and we take it respectively.
Our mail address is:-


This software Download link is under:-
download link-1:  
Download  link-2:
Happy Using

Md. Maidul Islam Sunny
CEO & Developer
Sunny Software Development
& Blogger

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Sunny Software Development

Sunny Software Development is a new software company Bangladesh, Not only Bangladesh but also whole world. This  company is leader of future software platform.  This company is doing all type of software work. Like as Account software, Educational software, Game, mobile,  Operating software, Android, antivirus, utilities, programing  etc.

It is situated in Joypurhat of  Bangladesh, North  section near of India. 

They are provide  many more classified program  for computer user. Firstly They tell every user  to use  a good comfortable  & friendly software for  your device.

Now they are developed Dictionary, Accounting soft, zipper, locker, word program etc.

If you have need any type of software or software review. Please, Contact them.

This Company Contact Details :

Sunny Software Development
Cadet College more, Khanjonpur Road
Joypurhat-5900, Bangladesh.

Contact Email:,

Contact no: +


Happy Day

Md. Maidul Islam

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Highly Compress 1.5mb Microsoft Office software

HI! dear viewer. I show to only 2 mb size Software.
This Software Is Microsoft Office 2007.
It is fully work.
See under download link this software:

happy use this program. next time I will show more highly compress software & it system.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Accounting System

When I was a little boy, I saw my father was busy of his work of accounting. When I nothing to do. sometime I asked my father what you do. My father tell me you do not know it. My father is a manager of a Privet Firm. When I known it then I enter a Privet Limited company as a computer Accountant.

Now I type a simple accounting system:

Whole Account system is dependable its daily journal.

Journal is the mother or father of Account. If you do not it. You can fail in account.

Journal is a daily book of account credit and debit.

See System Under:

Now you have some money. You start a shop. money amount of 100$.

* rent a place for shop. rent amount 10$
* Decoration price- 10$
* Goods purchase price - 50$
* One worker advance pay 10$
* and you have 20$

Now see how can it calculate or accounting system.

this is really normal account system.

* first need one page, pen, scale, pencil, eraser & Calculator.
* 2nd draw line of header & left side.
* 3rd draw table of about this things. you need 8 column.
( 1st column name Sl No, 2nd name description of credit, 3rd name amount, 4th name sub credit, 5th name sl no, 6th name description of debit, 7th name amount, 8th name sub debit)

* 4th now write the credit column of lose price- rent, decoration, goods, advance pay.
* 5th write debit column of amount of money.
* sub total of credit and sub total of debit.
* plus and minus debit to credit. and it write credit column in your name.
* total credit and total debit.
* now see your account sheet credit= debit.
this is normal completed account in day sheet.
Now you need a journal book, where you write it finally. same as day sheet just only deffer from day sheet. here is table you may not to draw it. just entry left page and right page and calculate. And after you need a ledger to complete to entry head way.


Maidul Islam Sunny     

Bangladeshi Software Company Address

Hi! Now I write About of Bangladesh Software Development Company Name And Address.

If you have need any type of software from bangladesh You can see their website.
See under details:

Image* ASBD Soft:

Address: House#12,Block-k,South Banasree, Dhaka 1219, Bangladesh
Phone:+880 1710-496059
Address: 24 # Hafiz Uddin Sarker Road, Dattapara, Islampur, Tongi - Gazipur 1712, Bangladesh
Phone:+880 1715-909444
 Sunday hours 6:00 am–10:00 pm  
 * Divine IT Limited:
Address: 34 Road No.5, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh
Phone:+880 1713-004250
 Sunday hours 10:00 am–6:30 pm
Address: Plot 02, 8th Floor, Bir Uttam a K Khandakar Road, Mohakhali C/a, Dhaka-1212, Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh
Phone:+880 1713-458492
 Closed on Sunday
Address: House - 33, Aveneue - 5, Block - B, Section - 6, Mirpur, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
Phone:+880 1613-333654
not more today. next time i post other software company address from bangladesh. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

English To Bangla Dictionary

Sunny English To Bangla Dictionary is our 1st Dictionary Program. This program are developing. This is not full version. We only show it for testing. If it really work please write us freely. We accept  Your any comment.

Download this Software under  link.

font for bangle downlink:

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Up coming of Dictionary English to Bangla

Hello! Views,
Now, We are told you about a dictionary software. This is our own create Software. This dictionary very easy to use. For English to Bangla. Just only few day wait & you all get it free.....